Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Boat That Still Rocks

I spent a fair amount of time this afternoon listening to Radio Caroline, the formerly-pirate radio station from England. For those of you who've seen the movie Pirate Radio (when it was released earlier in the UK, it was named The Boat That Rocked), you'll recognize their flagship, the MV Ross Revenge, in many of the scenes.  The Ross Revenge is currently being restored, mostly by volunteers, and isn't currently sailing.  Radio Caroline, and other pirate radio stations operating off the coast of the UK in the 1960s, was seen as a driving force in delivering modern music to the masses only served by the BBC.

Listening this afternoon, I heard radio like it used to be - as it should be - warts and all.  A very ecclectic mix of rock and roll spanning a good 50 years, live announcers, CDs and albums (yes, vinyl) being rattled about in the studio - I even heard someone cough off-mic in the middle of a break.  Plus, lots of great liners and jingles, some from those glory days of the '60s.  Not to mention, music I haven't heard in ages, and more current songs I might not have heard at all.

If you'd like to check them out, set a course for their website.

Here's one I heard this afternoon:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wait, "Blues Brothers 2000" Is Twelve Years Old Now?

Maybe it's just the passage of time, or maybe I just like the music, but was "Blues Brothers 2000" that bad of a movie? Sure, it doesn't measure up to the original, but still not a complete waste of time, right?

Anyway, here's Erykah_Badu and Paul Shaffer, along with a bunch of other famous folks in one of my favorites from the film movie: